Our Favorite Tabata Equipment And Accessories
The beautiful thing about Tabata workouts is that they are so simple that you can easily follow a well-rounded Tabata program without any equipment. But as you know, sometimes having the right tools, equipment and accessories arounds makes things easier. And for people who struggle to stay committed to a workout routine, making things as easy as possible is very important.

This is our list of our favorite tools, equipment and accessories to make your Tabata workouts as simple, easy and enjoyable as possible. We’re constantly updating this list with newer and better items, so if you have any suggestions please let us know!

Gymboss Interval Timer and Stopwatch

The Tabata workout is all about managing your rest-to-work ratios in a high-intensity, low-rest fashion. This allows you to pack the most intense workout possible into the shortest amount of time, allowing you to be efficient with your schedule. Without something to keep track of your time, it’s hard to manage the workout. This is by far our favorite stop watch since it has the most flexible functions yet is easy to use.
More recommended interval timers >>

Gaiam Yoga Mat

In many Tabata workouts, you’re going to be jumping and bouncing all around, including on the floor. If you’d rather not sweat all over your floor, a basic yoga mat would be a very worthwhile investment. These Gaiam yoga mats are the best you can get, look great, and are a great price.
More Recommended Yoga Mats >>

Vapor Fresh® Disinfecting Gym Wipe Canisters

No one enjoys using sweaty, sticky, nasty, old fitness equipment. So eventually you’re going to need to clean your workout equipment. Whatever cleaning product you use to clean them with will eventually land directly on your skin, so please use a safe one free of nasty toxic chemicals. We highly recommend Vapor Fresh Disinfecting Gym Wipe Canisters because they are plant based and don’t contain any harsh chemicals known to have health concerns.

Vapor Fresh® Sports Equipment Cleaning & Deodorizing Spray

Luckily you can do Tabata with almost no equipment. But sometimes you will use some equipment, whether it’s a yoga mat, a gym bench, a weighted vest or even a gym bag. You’ll want to clean and deodorize those things as they will definitely get sweaty and smelly. By using Vapor Fresh Cleaning Spray, you can be sure that you won’t leave behind any harsh chemicals that will irritate your skin.

Brita Stainless Steel Water Bottle With Filter

Staying hydrated is so important, everyone knows that. This water bottle allows you to fill up where ever you have access to drinking water. Because the water passes through a filter, you can be sure you’re drinking purified water regardless of where you filled up. This water bottle is rigid, so it will stand up to the wear-and-tear of a workout, and is made by Brita so you know you’re getting quality.
More recommended water bottles >>

Assault AirBike, Classic

Tabata can work with any cardio equipment, or even no equipment at all. But of all possible pieces of cardio equipment you could use for Tabata, none come close to an air bike, also known as an airdyne. This one is our favorite because it strikes a great balance between functionality, quality and price. More Reviews Of Best Airdyne Air Bikes >>

WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope

There are very few exercises that can compete with a jump rope at raising your heart rate and giving you an intense workout. Even fewer exercises can you do with equipment as light and portable as a speed rope. This rope in particular is built great and sold at an unbelievable value. We highly recommend it!
More recommended jump ropes >>

Resistance Bands Set

Bodyweight exercises are usually enough to push your body to the limit with any Tabata workout, but sometimes it’s nice to add a little resistance. That’s where resistance bands come in. This set comes with a bunch of different accessories to give you variety in your workouts, and comes with several different levels of resistance, allowing you to build up your strength over time.
More recommended workout bands >>

Medicine Ball

The medicine ball is another very versatile piece of equipment. From core exercises to alternative pushups to partner exercises– you can do a lot with a medicine ball. This AmazonBasics medicine ball is affordable and of very high quality Definitely our go-to.
More recommended medicine balls >>

Long Foam Roller

We have a love-hate relationship with our foam roller. It hurts so good. Whether you’re rolling out your IT bands, your quads or your upper back, a quality foam roller will help you recover faster. This particular foam roller has rigid teeth in them to really provide a thorough rolling. However if you’re newer to foam rolling, it may be a good idea to start off with a smoother foam roller and work your way up to this one.