Review Of Best Jump Ropes
There are a lot of factors that go into finding the best jump rope for you and your particular fitness goals. Hopefully this guide will be able to give you a good brief on the different types of jump ropes and you’ll be able to understand what’s best for you specifically.

Below are a couple of our favorite jump ropes available. They’re each great in their own way-

Our Recommended Heavy Jump Rope

Heavy jump ropes are commonly known as being the easiest for beginners. The Anyget Adjustable Heavy Jump Rope is a quality choice due to its sturdy design and great value.

There are a number of reasons why one might choose to get a heavy jump rope over a light one. Using a heavy jump rope is beneficial because it allows you to get a feel for the jump rope and it’ll keep you going at a comfortable speed which will keep you safe during your workout.

Another reason that you might want to choose a heavy rope is so that your movements will be more concise. Because it has some weight to it, it forces you to be efficient with your movements, which forces proper jump rope technique. The ball bearings will also let your wrist movements be far smoother and will keep your wrists protected by not allowing them to rotate as much. The heavy ropes are also good to use for developing strength in your body, and you’ll be far less likely to get a heavy rope tangled.

Overall, this is a great choice for those of you that are looking to get a cheap, high quality and heavy jump rope for your start of jump roping. Once you get skilled enough with this, you can begin to test out other types of jump ropes such as the speed rope!

Our Recommended Speed Jump Rope

Speed jump roping is more common amongst advanced jump ropers, and the Survival and Cross Speed Jump Rope is one of the best choices you can make when looking for a jump rope that will allow you to jump fast and really kick up the speed. There are a lot of reasons people prefer to use speed ropes, and one of the main ones is that it allows you to get so much faster! And as we know, training with quick bursts of max effort equates to a great weight loss workout.

Some other reasons that you might want to use a speed jump rope have to do with the fact that using one of these jump ropes allows you to do much more advanced movements. Imagine trying to do intense, advanced movements with a heavy rope. It just wouldn’t work as well as if you could use one of these fast ropes.

These speed jump ropes are also much lighter and easier to fold and carry around. If you’re traveling somewhere, you should bring one of these jump ropes so that you’ll have any easy time packing it and folding it up. If there’s anything bad about this type of jump rope, it’s that you might hurt your wrists due to the ball bearing being non-existent on this style of jump rope, so you must be careful with your movement and technique.


Overall, the speed rope above is a great choice for those of you that are no stranger to jumping rope and want a jump rope which will be able to suit your needs as an advanced jumper. Both of these types of jump ropes have their own benefits, but it’s up to you to decide which one would suit you better in the long run.